Positive Psychology toolbox
Positran offers you the best tools of positive psychology in a single box!
Go further in your personal and professional practices with our 4 scientific and fun tools and :
- Rediscover your beautiful resources and those of your loved ones with the Strength Cards.
- Take advantage of having time to integrate new positive habits into your daily life with the Positive Action Cards.
- Awaken the hero in you and “DARE now” to see the future positively with the Positive Transformation Cards.
- Take time to see the world from a different perspective with the Mindfulness Cards.
What is in this toolkit and how to use it well? Read the description of each set:
Strengths Cards :
If I asked you to name your strengths, what would you answer? The majority of people are reluctant to talk about their strengths and many do not even know what they are. According to Professor Alex Linley (2008), “a strength is a pre-existing capacity for a particular way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is authentic and energising to the user, and enables optimal functioning, development and performance” The strengths concept is so central to positive psychology nowadays, that the knowledge and utilisation of one’s strengths is considered to be one of the most direct routes to personal and professional fulfilment.
Research shows that simply identifying your strengths leads to higher well-being. Using your strengths at work leads to higher engagement and performance.
The 50 strengths in the pack are a synthesis of all existing approaches to strengths classification and cover the full scope of our current scientific knowledge about strengths. As our Strengths Cards are available in multiple languages, please check the quantity and language selection carefully when ordering.
Positive Actions Cards :
Sin & Lyubomirsky (2009, p.467) define positive interventions as including ‘treatment methods or activities aimed at cultivating positive feelings, positive behaviours or positive cognitions’.
Some intentional actions (or positive interventions) serve to increase and maintain well-being and other positive states (resilience, psychological capital…)
With the 64 Positive Action cards, integrate new positive habits into your daily life:
- Strengthen your well-being
- Develop your psychological potential
- Have a set of positive actions to carry out to move forward
Positive Transformation Cards :
Research has discovered four specific psychological characteristics (optimism, hope, resilience and confidence) that increase our ability to handle problems efficiently, that cause us to use past successes as the foundation of our thinking, and that enable us to project ourselves effectively into the future. The HERO model encompasses these four characteristics and has been defined as Psychological Capital, an individual’s positive psychological state of functioning that is characterised by:
(1) persevering toward goals and, when necessary, adjusting paths towards those goals in order to succeed (Hope);
(2) having the confidence to take on challenging tasks and putting in the necessary effort to succeed (Efficacy);
(3) when faced with problems and adversity, overcoming them and bouncing back, and even beyond, to achieve success (Resilience);
(4) making positive attributions about succeeding now and in the future (Optimism).
Together, the psychological resources of Psychological Capital have a greater positive impact on life and work performance than its individual components. In other words, an individual who possesses high levels of all four of these characteristics also consistently performs at a higher level.
Mindfulness Cards :
These cards have been specifically designed to support you along your mindful journey, from the introduction of mindfulness to deeper and richer practices in your everyday life, by providing a varied and complete toolbox with activities and practices for all types of people and degrees of mindful experience.
Whether you are new to mindfulness, an experienced practitioner or even a mindfulness trainer and facilitator – there is something valuable in this treasure box for everyone.
Amateurs of mindfulness, experienced professionals of this discipline and mindfulness trainers and facilitators would all find something valuable in this treasure box.
This toolkit is available to everyone, whether you are a coaching professional or simply looking for new ideas to improve your daily life through positive psychology.