Management, HR and education

Positive Education Solutions

Positran offers consultancy and training in the field of positive education. Discover our programmes and choose which delivery format you prefer.

positive education solutions

How can we best prepare our children to lead a happy and healthy life? What skills will they need to develop in order to face 21st century challenges? As well as requiring social and emotional intelligence to personally thrive and develop positive relationships, children need to be taught how to build their resilience so they may face life challenges productively. How can teachers, parents and our education systems help build these required skills and ensure they are valued and embedded in a school’s environment and core curriculum?

Positran has 20 years of experience in the development of psychosocial skills in children and has trained thousands of teachers and education professionals around the world (United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Morocco, Japan, Singapore, China and Australia). We are one of the true pioneers in the science and tools of positive education.

our positive education journey

Our positive education journey started in 2007 when Professor Ilona Boniwell founded the first Masters in Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) in Europe at the University of East London and trained the very first positive psychology and positive education practitioners in the UK.


Since then, she has also established the MAPP programme at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge that has a dedicated Positive Education module. In addition to this, she has recently further developed the MAPP programme at the University of East London, introducing innovative and dedicated degree pathways, including one championing Positive Education.

During the first decade of the 2000s, Professor Ilona Boniwell was one of the very first positive psychologists in the world to develop and road test positive education programmes in schools.

The Personal Wellbeing Lessons were originally tested in the Haberdashers’ Aske’s Academies before being published as a book  and taking off around the world and the SPARK Resilience© programme, one of the best established evidence based resilience programmes worldwide, is being implemented in the UK, France, Netherlands, Singapore, Japan and other countries.

These programmes have attracted international recognition, winning pedagogical innovation prizes and are supported by UNESCO. Pr. Boniwell  has trained hundreds of professionals in the use of these programmes and delivered multiple keynotes, including a TEDx Talk in 2013.

Pr. Boniwell contributed to the developments in positive education through many working groups and committees, including being on the Board of the International Positive Education Network (IPEN) when it was first launched in 2013 at 10 Downing Street.

Pr. Boniwell went on to develop further positive education programmes, such as Face Up for young street offenders, a positive parenting programme iSTEP and the Philosophical Dialogues Programme for preventing radicalisation. All educational programs are regularly updated and adapted to reflect the changing world.

She and her team have spent the past ten years assisting other educational institutions in developing and embedding positive education provision. See our consultancy pages for multiple examples of projects. To do so, Positran has also developed multiple positive education tools to actively engage students.

how can we help you?

Positran has a team of adaptable, multilingual renowned and international experts to help you bring positive education to life by inspiring your school community through keynotes and masterclasses, training your staff in one of our evidence based programmes and developing local expertise. We use traditional and gamification-based pedagogies to ensure that our teaching is “sticky”.

We partner with governments, schools, youth associations, charities and all providers working with children and young adults.

Explore the 9 pathways below and select the best delivery format for your needs.

Discover our programmes

Positive Education:
Developing well-being and resilience skills in young people

An introductory masterclass in positive education for parents and educators.
Find out more

ACTIONS Wellbeing Curriculums: Engaging lessons and activities for 5-14yr olds

Engaging and age appropriate well-being lessons informed by positive psychology theory and research.
Find out more

Available formats:


From 45 to 90 minutes
max 20 participants


From 1 to 3 days
max 20 participants


From 1 to 2 hours
Capacity to be determined


1h30 to 1 day
max 20 participants

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