Oxford Handbook of Happiness


The Oxford Handbook of Happiness is the reference text for researchers and practitioners interested in human happiness. Its editors and contributors to the chapters are world leaders in the investigation of happiness in the fields of psychology, behavioural organisation, education, philosophy, social policy and economics.

The study of happiness is the link between four major scientific developments: the rapidly developing field of positive psychology, whose research focuses on the conditions for the development of individuals; advances in the biological and affective sciences that have contributed to the understanding of positive emotions; research on positive organisation, an emerging discipline aimed at investigating and fostering excellence in organisations; and economic discoveries indicating that economic and societal markers of well-being are insufficient. The Oxford Handbook of Happiness provides readers with a coherent, multidisciplinary and accessible text on the state of current research on happiness.

This volume contains ten sections dealing with psychological, philosophical, evolutionary, economic and spiritual approaches to happiness; happiness in society, education, organisations and relationships; and the assessment and development of happiness. Readers will find information on psychological concepts such as resilience, flow and emotional intelligence; on theories including expansion-and-construction theory and self-determination theory; and on exploring topics including collective virtue, psychological capital, coaching, sustainable environmental development and economic development. This manual will be useful to researchers, practitioners, teachers, students and all those interested in the theory and research of human happiness.

Read the Preface of His Majesty the King of Bhutan, the first country in the world to measure Gross National Happiness. 

Language: English
Consult the two articles published on this book:
Article from “International Journal of Wellbeing” (PDF): Download the PDF
Article published on the website “Positive Psychology News Daily”

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