The Your Resilience Road Trip game consists of 49 cards broken down into different categories that follow a colour code. These cards will enable you to play with and develop skills relevant to resilience in order to develop both your everyday resilience as well as your broader social and life skills. To play you will be using the following cards:
- 1 “Situation” card – grey
- 12 “Parrots” cards – yellow
- 3 “Trust Thermometer” cards – yellow
- 13 “Emotion” cards – pale blue
- 3 “SAC of tools” cards – pale blue
- 12 “Reaction” cards – green
- 2 “Consequence” cards – dark blue
- 4 “Resource” cards – purple
- This instruction card
You will also need to download and print the SPARC wheel here
The Your Resilience Road Trip game is for parents, teachers, support staff and anyone working with young people aged 10+.
Attention: to play, you will also need the SPARC wheel to download here.
The rules of the game are included in the Resilience Roadtrip.
You will discover 4 different ways to play:
The wheel turns: to understand the thought process and identify its different components.
It gets out of hand: to understand how we are sometimes victims of our perceptions and feelings. Resilience Roadtrip addresses different skills in order to progress towards more positive consequences.
Yes, here we go again: to make this spiral become positive, the game reveals, awakens and strengthens different skills and resources.
And in case of emergency: for emergency situations – where everything goes too fast and we can’t manage to redirect the spiral towards the positive – we reverse the direction of the wheel which becomes CRAP: Consciousness – Reaction (to stop the reaction) – Activate (to activate an activity that will help to manage emotions) – Perception (to question)