Positive Organisational Development Cards


These Positive Organisational Development Cards offer an engaging and playful way of introducing exciting positive development ideas to individuals, teams and organisations.

The twenty action cards help leaders and managers understand and implement the key exciting new ideas coming through from the field of positive psychology. Covering the core topics such as strengths, positive emotions, engagement and flourishing, they also introduce less well known yet equally powerful ideas such as positive energy networks, the abundance bridge and psychological capital.

Each card introduces the idea with a few well-chosen words and a memorable strapline. On the reverse side are carefully composed questions to stimulate discussion and selected pointers for action. These cards are perfect for management and leadership development, strategy development, executive coaching, performance or quality reviews and team development. Using these cards with teams or individuals introduces new ideas, stimulates discussion, encourages creative thinking and moves the conversation in new and unexpected directions.

Availability: In stock


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